A statement summarizes a customer's account with your company by listing recent invoices, credit memos, and payments received. You use reminder statements when you bill through invoices but want to remind your customers about delinquent payments.
To create a billing statement:

  1. From the QuickBooks Customers menu, go to Statements/Create Statements.
  2. Choose the appropriate A/R account. Note that QuickBooks displays the A/R Account field ONLY when your Chart of Accounts contains more than one A/R.
  3. Check the statement date.
  4. Select the date period of the transactions.

Note: You can specify the dates or you can include all open (unpaid) transactions as of the statement date.

  1. Choose the customers you want to print statements for.
  2. Choose additional options.
  3. Click Print or E-mail depending on how you want to send the statements to your customers.
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